Classical music Which classical composers do you know ?

Thanks Angela for posting those other pieces by Albinoni. Even leaving aside the disputed adagio, Albinoni deserves to be on any list of baroque composers.
You're quite welcome. :)

Baroque music has been my favorite for a long time, so I've listened to a "lot" of it.

Something about it calms and soothes me. :)
I was listening Gluck and remembered of this thread. If I find the time I'll do a list of (several) additional composers I like pretty much.

Or, a little further down the scale: Donizetti, Bellini, Scarlatti, Corelli, Pergolesi, Rossini, Monteverdi, Palestrina.
Cherubini cannot be out of any list. :) I highlight the opera Medea and the Requiem in C minor, chosen by Beethoven for his own funeral.

"One afternoon in 1817, the English composer Cipriani Potter was taking a stroll through the woods with Beethoven. Curious, Potter asked Beethoven, 'Apart from yourself, who do you considered the greatest living composer?' While Beethoven seemed initially startled, he eventually gave an equally startling answer in 'Cherubini'. Beethoven had always held Cherubini in high esteem, personally writing to him in 1823, 'I am enraptured whenever I hear a new work of yours and feel as great an interest in it as in my own works—in brief, I honor and love you.' Beethoven proclaimed Cherubini 'Europe’s foremost dramatic composer,' and he admired Cherubini’s Requiem in C minor to such extend that he ordered it performed at his own funeral."
ALL of them, except for: Telemann, Bruckner, Saint-Saens, JP Rameau and Bartok
Music ranging from classical to pop to traditional to modern is something that I wish to collect. As an event planner, I am currently working on a dry karaoke setup. Personally, I enjoy traditional music of the time period. [FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]My favourite composers are Johann Sebastian Bach, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, and Schubert.[/FONT]
Music ranging from classical to pop to traditional to modern is something that I wish to collect.As an event planner, I am currently working on a dry karaoke setup. Personally, I enjoy traditional music of the time period.My favourite composers are Johann Sebastian Bach, Debussy, Tchaikovsky, and Schubert.

I don't know what dry karaoke is, but I endorse your favourite composers, especially Debussy and Schubert. Who knows what Schubert would have also produced if he hadn't died at the age of 31, but his two piano trios, his late piano sonatas, his symphonies and the best of his hundreds of songs are wonderful enough.

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