What language best fits your personality ?

German fits very good to me and I'm a German.
My main language is English. I also use Spanish, French and Portuguese.
I would love to learn basque. Phonetically it is quite easy for a spanish-speaker. But it is difficult to find a center which teaches it.
I have read the test, and according to that, the languages that best fit me are British English and German.

However I don't recognize the way Dutch is portrayed at all..

My native language is Dutch, and I also speak English, German and French.
Although German and French have eroded a bit through time ;)
I fit mostly with Italian (I think it's not casual =P).

But I have something of Spanish and French too. I'm Latin, definitely. xD

I like both
If I could be a telepath, and exhausted I can hardly speak.
In order of most like me to least:

British English

This is a very interesting quiz. Thank you for sharing!
1. Chinese 2. Russian
No need to test:

Catalan :)
British English and Hindi for me.
For my family roots and education...French and Italian... That I do speak perfectly but also English...

I like also to speak Spanish...and I want to learn Portuguese and Romanian

I also speak a medium level of German but I need to improve it...German is really difficult...

So lets say French, Italian, English
English with an australian slant

Veneto-italiano ( ie..basso-padano ) but can read venetian perfectly.

have spoken with cousin in toulouse france ( does not speak english at all ), he using occitan and me venetian .............roughly 70-80% similar .....we eventually understand each other ( verbal and written form )

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