What language best fits your personality ?

i got 3 and 5, i geuss that is perfect match... :relief:

no german haha :blush:
Spanish or German fits me equally good, according to the test. :)

Good thing i'm learning German then.
I'm 100% French but i can't stand that language - for me its sounds so funny :p
I prefer German, but i'm not "german" at all :(
Dutch, British Enlish, Japanese and Italian all worked for me... So since Dutch is the only one I'm not learning... I'll think about it
I think it's chinese and japanese. Nice personality evaluation chart there, Maciamo.
Oh my Gawd !

I came out - British English !

....Quite disappointed ! ... but it figures !

I think mine was chinese and japanese it's a cool and calm peresonality also I am kind of japan and china crazy=)
If a mix of the languages is possible I would be a mix of French and German (2,9). But if that is not allowed, I would pick French because the discription is closer to my personality.

French, just like the description, is relatively more technical and is incorrect even with the slightest grammatical error. Everything has to be so perfect in the French language haha.....

Verb conjugation.......ugh!

marcus314 said:
If a mix of the languages is possible I would be a mix of French and German (2,9). But if that is not allowed............


With that mix..... you may have a little problem ..... ! You could be English ... ! :biggrin:
Sensuikan San said:
With that mix..... you may have a little problem ..... ! You could be English ... ! :biggrin:


Well let me be English then!

Flowerbird said:
I'm learning Swedish in addition to Japanese, where does that place me?

On the winning side when Sweden takes over the world! Who's with me!

EDIT: I'm sorry, i'm tired... :sleep:
Er... Whats wrong with being English :(

The ones that seamed to fit me the most where English (who would og guessed) and French (that suprised me), I gave up french as I did not really like the culture or language (lol but we're both ment to hate each other so I guess thats why!). No offence because I'm just being general and have had many a good holiday to France, and met some nice French people!

Yo! HomicidalMouse like your av, Versus rules cant wait for Versus 2!
Who's naive? Me? ..... OK, OK, so I did get 3. I'm naive, and yes, I worry what people think of me, and try to be helpful. (But 7 was also a good match for me) Time to study (even more) japanese! *clenches fists and gets sparkly eyes* Gambatte!
im russian, (est` tut kto nibud` russkij?) esli est` otvet`te pozhalusta
I got Japanese and French...and I actually know and learned French and Japanese! O_Olll Freaky!!!
Bonjour mes amis! I got 2, Francais. When I read the description it sounded like me, but I also guessed it would be French. I have a GCSE in French, but that's it!
Gee! Your personality descriptions are very close to Myers-Briggs personality descriptions. I never thought of an MBTI personality type prefering a specific language. I guess that could be the case. I am rather global and broad minded in my thinking, and I fit number 3. So I guess I should learn Japanese. The number 3 fits what is called an INFP (which is what my type is in Myers-Briggs). Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving, type. That simply means that I am introverted, and abstract, global thinker, oriented towords people values, and prefer living a flexible, spontanious lifestyle. That is a very, very brief surface description. There is so much more to Myers-Briggs than that. But, kudos on fitting a language with a type. That's fun! :)
sweet kawaii

wow, I am a japanese and British english lady. Funny, I came from Nigeria (raised by a british colony) and I learned british english. I am also learning Japanese. Kawaii! :romance:

I love soccer!!!!!!!!!! :football:

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