Intelligence What characterises people with high IQ's ?

I believe that if you're as intelligent and superior, as all of you people who "recognise themselves" in this post claim you are, you would not need to prove to some random stranger on the internet.

This really makes me laugh.

A genius.. that is unsure of their amazing abilities.. so caught up in evolving their mind.. they are taken back by a post that says you're intelligent if you have these characteristics.
Well can I just say my cat has those damn characteristics, should I test her IQ?

When you feel so disconnected from the outside world you should really take another look at yourself as a being and see the difference between finding yourself and loving yourself to the point of being selfish.

Truly bright individuals do not need to prove themselves to an "everyday" being, while being competitive I think they are more competitive among their own kind. Just like you never see martial artists starting fights at the pub to prove themselves. People only prove themselves to others, to not only convince the outside world that this is true but also to convince themselves.
And just because someone has a "high IQ" doesn't make them a better person on the inside. Yet I presume they would be more in control of their frontal lobe, than an average individual but only because they are aware of it.

If your contribution to society is being a smart ass who sits there and brags about how high their level of intelligence is...
Please. There are enough stuck up people in this world.
We do not need more.
If you are a genius then why don't you put your mind to good use.

I only found these posts because my friend wanted to see what an average score for an IQ test is among individuals. And then I found this.

"I recognised so much of myself in these listed characteristics so I just couldn't help myself joining and telling the world." :LOL:

Sorry, i'm so intelligent
I cannot help myself :grin:

Well there is the typical Australian bullying reaction to anyone or anything that is perceived as different from the whole. Cut it down and denegrate it into submission, then everyone else won't seem dumb and ignorant. No wonder Australia's best and brightest all leave if they wish to achieve anything.
This thread is attracting a lot of one-and-done posters. Misunderstood geniuses?

Welcome, all of you. Spread your smarts more around the rest of this forum.
This thread is attracting a lot of one-and-done posters. Misunderstood geniuses?

Welcome, all of you. Spread your smarts more around the rest of this forum.
lol, seriously I don't understand what is the point. Makes them look more stupid actually.
There many IQ tests with different score numbers

Hello, This is my first post. I stumbled across this discussion and decided to join Eupedia.

IQ tests frequently differ in their score numbers. This is the reason high IQ societies
allow entry on the basis of percentile ranking instead. Mensa, the most common society,
accepts the 98th percentile or, top two percent. Intertel accepts the top one percent. The Triple Nine Society and ISPE accept the 99.9th percentile of standardized IQ.

As you would expect, persons widely separated on the bell scale have trouble with, for simplicity's sake, communication.

While we all grow up and interact in the same social constructs, the wider the IQ gap, the less easy our intellectual interaction becomes.

High IQ societies are mainly social. Those of us who, being fewer in numbers due to being near one end of the curve, need to socialize with our intellectual peers, just as normal persons do without any need for IQ clubs.

I think some of the commenters here need to contact their local Mensa group's testing proctor and I'm sure they and Mensa would benefit greatly.

I wish all people of all intellectual levels peace and fulfillment.
well let me be the latest in registering just to post here!

all i want to share is IQ/personality tests don't mean jacks**t. i grew up in an environment that emphasized a ridiculous amount of their time and energy in such things, ensuring young "talents" don't go to the drain. so... apparently i am in the top 2% IQ range and i am an ENTJ. oh yeah and i am also in the 6th year of my 4 year law degree (cause i flunked, duh) and did i mention i took my A levels twice? cause the initial results just sucks a$$.

and let me tell you what's really funny... i was doing fine all along. i'm serious. i consistently ranked among the top of the class for my entire school life, and in sports too, right up to the point i was told that i am "special". and special kids need their special classes, special friends, and special teachers. heck we even had special toys! and guess what? we even had to TALK special? jeez~ that has gotta be the most pretentious wannabe moments of my life. how i wish i had the guts back then to tell them to f**K off and just walk out to play with Suzie from the next class.

and now, i see those "un-special" old friends of mine making the big bucks and pursuing their dreams. it's not like i care about the money, i really don't, and apparently, THAT is my problem. "You see, boy, i know money is not important to you, and u think its meaningless, BUT you need money to pursue your interests and your passions" i quote, word for word from my counselor. the SAME person who had previously told me "special" kids like us need not care about money, but should just focus our brainpower to solve the world's problems, because apparently, only we can do it and it's our sacred duty. and the planet needs us.

in a nutshell, IQ tests and the likes f**ks you up. since when has it EVER achieved anything? Isaac Newton had no clue what was his IQ. neither did Leonardo. but somehow, WE know what their IQ is. look what good it did them, not knowing. and what good it did us, placing Newton's IQ at 200.

p/s: sorry if i sound bitter and angry. i think it's because... yeah i AM bitter and angry. and English is NOT my mother tongue. so language/grammar police, please f*ck off. come pick a fight with me in Cantonese.
Welcome to Eupedia. Check our threads and join discussions.

PS. You can be angry but posting on Eupedia refrain from foul language.
Why should any Hi-IQ person post here where there seems to be little respect for human dignity?
spot on

I know this thread is 5 years old, but wow. Absolutely spot on.. my IQ is 152, and this thread describes me perfectly. I have never read something that summarized my personality more precisely. This is golden.. Maciamo, if you are the original author of what you posted, well done.
Exceptionally gifted people care (much) less about what other people think of them, and are less sensitive to praise, and even less to flattery.

I bet they care less due to the self-esteem they earned after being attested to be super intelligent. ;) I know a few cases from university who performed poorly at school, but later became top performers at university.
The hereditary factor is again only part of the story. Bad circumstances can easily deactivate ones gifts. Self-esteem, good nutrition and sleep are much underestimated.
I bet they care less due to the self-esteem they earned after being attested to be super intelligent. ;)

They care less because they quickly realize that what other people think is irrelevant and usually wrong. Even if other people praise them for something, it doesn't matter if they aren't happy with it themselves already. The opposite is also true; if criticized, they will assume the validity of their own opinion over that of the criticizer. You learn from experience that going based on what other people say doesn't work reliably, so you stop doing it.

The hereditary factor is again only part of the story. Bad circumstances can easily deactivate ones gifts. Self-esteem, good nutrition and sleep are much underestimated.

Yes, absolutely.
They care less because they quickly realize that what other people think is irrelevant and usually wrong. Even if other people praise them for something, it doesn't matter if they aren't happy with it themselves already. The opposite is also true; if criticized, they will assume the validity of their own opinion over that of the criticizer.

Sorry, I should have said "some" instead of "they". I just wanted to add, that some of them started being intelligent when they understood that they are not dumb. Also one can not tell easily from outside whether his self esteem is based on true intellectual achievement or just on the believe in it. Yet in both cases, a healthy confidence is a strong booster of intelligence.
EDIT: Someone who believes to be intelligent is more motivated to engage in intellectual activities. This in turn soon results in actually strengthened intelligence, ... and so forth.

You learn from experience that going based on what other people say doesn't work reliably, so you stop doing it.

Yes, but it often requires a certain minimum age and enough opportunities in order to earn such experience. Therefore gifted children often perform poorly at school, but later perform above average. Take Einstein for example.
I think many first time posters have found this thread because they have no role model to look up to and have only to turn to the internet. I felt a sudden rush of understanding when a read the message of OP. It was like i could finally put words to the thoughts that stood on the tip of my tongue. Some stories I now put forth in the hopes that they may help someone in a similar place as I. Below I have recounted some of my experiences in the hopes they may help others.

-Throughout grade school I felt like my teachers were more like peers than my fellow students. Though this was often disjointed and ill fitting.

-As I approached highschool I grew bored in class and generally slept.

-I wanted to experiment with pyrotechnics as my uncle did in his childhood. I looked at a periodic table to try to figure out the weight ratio of chemicals. I saw the numbers for molecular weight and that was all I had to see to understand the concept of moles and the like.

-Once in college I had an evergrowing dislike for classes like biology. I knew nearly every concept, however I never felt a need to learn the seemingly random names given to many things. This angered me as I felt I had received the knowledge sent to me, however felt like other things were much more important than the seemingly arbitrary names attached.

-during the third quarter of organic chemistry I skipped the last four weeks of class as it was a purely lecture class. I then studied the book for ~10 hours the night before the final exam. I received a B on the exam and class, which was well above the standardized average of 70%(a C- or 1.86 gpa). It was as if cramming before a test was best. I could learn best if i just immersed my self completely in the subjects.

-I had a long distance girlfriend from the end of high school for around 2 years thereafter. The childish and blind desire to be able to visit here focused my mind like a razor blade. I sought to make a discovery to gain wealth enough to be with her. The subject I attacked was chemistry. I gained a position researching in an organic chemistry lab, even though I had barely any experience. Within a handful of months I began having to make the best decision to back down from the knowledge I had gained, because I had surpassed the chemistry professor advising me. Even now my mind is still filled with the probable structure of compounds that are molded after proteinacious catalysts, though in a less fragile form.

-after the breakup of the girlfriend I was saddened far more than I should have been. I had clung to the hope of her and the life I wished for. No reason to grasp upon it, besides it being the only future and drive I could find. After its loss, I learned much and I eventually grew to believe the inner workings of the brain were purely cause and effect. I also began to trust my thoughts and what chances of occurring I deemed. It became apparent emotions cloud the thoughts, obscuring the truth. With this revaluation, I began to experience the most terrible and horrifying experience I have yet to encounter. It was not a deep sadness, depression, or pain. But a complete lack thereof. It was an all encompassing apathy, the most sinister of traps I could lead my mind into. For in those moments I felt absolutely no desire to do anything and any energy within me felt like it would rip me apart. It was the most extreme of discomforts I have ever felt. I thought about ending my life and putting an end to the torment; but for all the discomfort I felt, I saw no reason to do so. Likewise, I knew that being with certain people would lift the grey, but I saw no point. The only way to free my self was to force my self forward with the smallest and weakest outermost parts of my mind.

-Lastly I have "found" what I think is the true essence of religion. I walked one night, feeling the pain as my kidneys failed me. I stopped at a bench and asked to the world, "god, give me a sign". Nothing caught my interest, but then I realized the god created the world and that everything I looked at was a sign. I then realized that the only true way to "find god" was to stop looking. For it was I who had lost god in my search for god. I then thought of the arrogance of people who would climb mountains to write down gods words or those people who would cross nations, slaughtering and subjugating many to bring god to them. I realized it was the closed minded thought of people that god was not already with all people, that going to the top of a desolate mountain(away from gods most intricate workings) to find god, and that god was not open to every one. I last realized that the only way to "find" god was to go on the journey your self. Nothing any person could do, would change it until it was truly time for it to occur.
IQ vs EQ - Left brain hemisphere vs Right brain hemisphere - Digital vs Analog

All humans (biologically healthy) have two brain hemispheres that are meant to be utilized. However there are always cases when a person is putting at work exclusively the left brain and these are the cases with the high IQ, and unfortunately high IQ does not equal success in life. Left brain is a digital brain, that sees pieces in everything, sees a tree not the forest. Digital brains are like computers/robots, working bit by bit but do not understand the wholeness.

On the other hand, right brain thinkers will always miss to see the details, but can understand the wholeness. Analog brain can sense the wholeness and the oneness in the universe. Cannot explain it for the digital world, something the quantum physics is now trying to explain, but it is very hard since we need the middle approach (using both brain hemispheres).

This scientist explains it wonderfully: Jill Bolte Taylor on Stroke of Insight, TED talks.

I read this post from an online search. It resonated with me. I wanted to contact some of the posters privately. Apparently there is no way to private message anyone on this forum. I have no interest in "bragging" about intelligence. I just wanted to contact people similar to me because I believe I have some projects and some insight that would be useful to them and myself as well. I can't do that because this is the only forum I have found where personal messages are not possible (maybe I just don't see how to do it??). So this is why I'm posting. Please enable private messaging.

I also hate to simply throw out a link or something that makes me look like I'm advertising or something, I'm not. I just don't want to give my personal e-mail here either. I have no way for others to contact me on this forum.

I have some things I really want to say to some people and I can't.

At best I can ask- please can you enable some form of private messaging?

All I can say is

1) if you are looking for some ideas of how to use intelligence to make money I have a group project that may be of use.
2) you see obvious solutions to social problems and would like to work in a team to implement these, I have a project for that
3) you would like to connect with people who have similar personality traits as listed in the original post, I have a project for that
4) I really wish I didn't need to put this in the public because I don't like people who simply are jealous or offended whenever someone else is accomplishing something. I have no interest in "proving" anything to anybody. I'm not posting this for people who don't agree, I'm simply directing this at people who have an interest in this sort of thing:

*** oops sorry I must have ten post in order to post links*** I would say contact me but I can't do that. I'm not really sure what to do maybe I can hang around on here and in a few weeks be able to actually find some way in hell that I can contact others on here.
ok I don't see a button where I can edit my post either. All I can say is look at my profile *wink*
I just typed the words "high intelligence character" in google, and this thread appeared on third place! Now that explains something!
It's not the fact that this popped up on a google search. It's that the original post describes me with about 99% accuracy, which is really strange. I never thought I conformed to any pre-fab stereotype before.
I think intelligence encourages ones self belief ..however one can become arrogant because of it.
I think that arrogance is not symptom of intelligence. Intelligent people are usually humble. Only insecure bimbos need to be arrogant. It's pretty much like dogs, the smaller and inoffensive they are, the more they bark.
But do you not think that some intelligent people become arrogant because of the success their said intelligence has afforded them and in some cases see only their own point as absolute and unflawed..this is the "arrogance" I am speaking of. Of course this is not the wider rule for intelligent people.

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