Important papers for newbies to Population Genetics

I thought of adding this here, because I believe it is a very powerful finding of modern population genetics: populations at the four corners of the quadrangle (WHG, EHG, Natufians, Iran_N) had differentiation of FST=0.08-0.15, comparable to the value of 0.09-0.13 seen between present-day West Eurasians and East Asians (Han). In contrast, by the Bronze Age, genetic differentiation between pairs of West Eurasian populations had reached its present-day low levels, today, FST is ≤0.025 for 95% of the pairs of West Eurasian populations and ≤0.046 for all pairs. These results point to a demographic process that established high differentiation across West Eurasia and then reduced this differentiation over time.

Good Afternoon: thank you for the opportunity to be a part of this forum. I've been both a consultant and a writer as well as a host of others. yet my recent discoveries of sources and programahas made my current journey of retirement one of a passionate curiosity and a committment to discovery. Currently the Celttic world's truthand myths has incresed my hunger. having spent some time with this source I'm excited> Thanks again and I'll look forwar to sharing even if I'm sure that I should start slow.
Iron side
thanks for the information it's really exciting to see how much information that has been procecessedsince my days of writng a newspaper column and being assigne a high scool genetic seminar.
This is the link to the paper on the ancient Lombards:

Understanding 6th Century Barbarian Social Organization and Migration through Paleogenomics

This is our discussion on it.

This is the shareable link for the official Nature version of Mathiesen et al on the genetics of Southeastern Europe. Thanks to Iosif Lazaridis for requesting it.
Ancient Iberian genetics:


Cristina Valdiosera, Torsten Günther, et al

Four millennia of Iberian biomolecular prehistory illustrate the impact of prehistoric migrations at the far end of Eurasia"

See Also:

Krishna R. Veeramah, et al (inc. Hellenthal and Burger)
"Population genomic analysis of elongated skulls reveals extensive female-biased immigration in Early Medieval Bavaria"

Discussed here:
See: Krishna R. Veeramah, et al (inc. Hellenthal and Burger)
"Population genomic analysis of elongated skulls reveals extensive female-biased immigration in Early Medieval Bavaria"

See also:

"Pleistocene North African genomes link Near Eastern and sub-Saharan African human populations," Science (2018).

Hi Angela,

Firstly I want to thank you for your advice to read the research papers, as that's all I've been doing since then and I feel that I've learnt a lot.

I read multiple blogs and forums and I've come across Gioiello's claim that CHG are a post-Younger Dryas expansion of (I assume) WHG from around Italy.

From what I've read CHG are modelled as a combination of Basal Eurasian and ANE. In order for Gioiello's idea to be true I assume CHG would be modelled as a combination of WHG and ASI (or a HG group in the direction of India), in order to appear where they are on PCAs plots.

My question is, firstly do I understand the idea, and secondly is this a possibility? Is it possible for CHG to be modelled in two ways, basically as opposing diagonal lines between populations on a PCA, or does something preclude this, perhaps if CHG show no ancestral sharing with WHG?

Edit: I found that CHG are said to have diverged from WHG 25,000 years ago, so that would preclude a post-Younger Dryas expansion.
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Reading proposals

Grazie per le proposte di lettura Angela.
Can you suggest me any books talking about population genetics of a more generic and philosophical point of view?
For example I have already read Sforza's book "Geni,popoli e lingue",can you propose texts similar to this?
I mean books where are analyse concept such race, etnies, people, heritage...
Grazie per le proposte di lettura Angela.
Can you suggest me any books talking about population genetics of a more generic and philosophical point of view?
For example I have already read Sforza's book "Geni,popoli e lingue",can you propose texts similar to this?
I mean books where are analyse concept such race, etnies, people, heritage...

You might want to take a look at David Reich's book, "Who We Are and How We Got Here", but I would suggest you hold off until the upcoming new edition. Things move so fast in this field that he has already revised it, mostly, I think, because of some recent papers on ancient African dna.

I think he has deliberately modeled it as a sort of sequel to Cavalli Sforza's work.

The Cheddar man paper is hardly essential. The La Brana paper was far more, I'd say. Also, do I miss the CHG paper? Essential because it defines the "Teal" component.


Just saw it.

Beginning with a simple thank-you would have been in order, along with a suggestion for the addition of any important genetics paper you think I might have omitted.

The editorial comment was unnecessary.

Extraordinary that educated adults have to be taught the basics of polite human interaction.
I am curious what is thought about this calculator:

It had some interesting results when I ran I1; K1c1; R-U106; H5a1b; and a New World that has only taken autosomal

I haven't tried it Wheal, although now I will.

A separate thread so people can find it would probably be more helpful, so I will start one and transfer your post.
I subscribe to this interesting threat, thank you.
Hi Angela! I'm a newbie and wanted to thank you for making this thread, and for continuing to update it.
"Terminal Pleistocene Alaskan genome reveals first founding population of Native Americans"

Discussed here:

"The Y-chromosome haplogroup C3*-F3918, likely attributed to the Mongol Empire, can be traced to a 2500-year-old "

Discussed here:*-F3918?highlight=Mongol+Empire

"The Irish DNA Atlas: Revealing Fine-Scale Population Structure and History within Ireland"

Discussed here:

"Dissecting historical changes of selective pressures in4 the evolution of human pigmentation"

Discussed here:

See: Lazaridis et al:
"Paleolithic DNA from the Caucasus reveals core of West Eurasian ancestry"

Discussed here:

"Late Pleistocene genome suggests a local origin for the first farmers from Anatolia"

Discussed here:
As a newbie, this is wonderful to have as a resource in one place. Thanks, Angela. I have been reading my way through.

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