Best cities to visit in Europe

Right~ !

Maciamo said:
Yes, I've been to al these places. However, I only selected those where i had been in the last 6 years to keep the comparison fair (so that I can remember all with about the same intensity). I have travelled a lot with my wife around Europe before coming to Japan. We bought a 2-month Eurolines pass for the main cities and also stayed in Spain for 2 months. As for Belgium and England, don't forget that I am the author of the Eupedia Belgium Guide and England Guide. :p

Oh, You like travell very much~ I even guess you are a profession traveller before~ . :)
Sensuikan San said:
No brainer ... Paris!


Just for the moment, though ... Paris might well be put on the "back-burner" !

What the heck is really going on there ? Reminds me of the 1968 riots!

How sad.

Sensuikan San said:
Just for the moment, though ... Paris might well be put on the "back-burner" !

What the heck is really going on there ? Reminds me of the 1968 riots!

How sad.


Oh, now don't let a few riots keep you from visiting a wondeful city. :cool: I'm sure those riots will be over soon (hopefully).
they Burned 2000 cars in total, in 2 weeks time or so... and last night it spread out to I thought 9 other france city's... so not so fun in there at the moment!! so paris goes to 1B.. ;)
Maciamo what did you see in Lisboa?

It's my home city, but now I live in a little village called "Azeitão"
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Maciamo, did you ever visited Switzerland? I lived almost 9 years in Lausanne.
From my balcony I had the most beautiful view, Lac Léman and then those mountains covered with snow.
Although I am Francophile (love France and the French) I have been very happy in Lausanne. Often made a boat trip around the lake really wonderful, or just across the lake to Evian in France. I worked several years in Genève also a very beautiful and interesting town, but Lausanne stole my heart.
I don't know Switzerland so well. That's why I didn't list any town there.
London is my favorite, but Amsterdam is a terrific, fun place.
Yeah, great place to have fun, smoke some weed every day, and do nothing else. Don't you think, that Poland is more fun? I've been to Cracow (aston hostel), and it was just great. Cool staff, nice people and reasonable prices.
And Cracow was stunning! Beautiful city.
I think Poland is way more fun! Last summer, when I went there with couple friends of mine we had totally unforgetable time! Best parties, best shopping centres,best monuments and everything! We were also very lucky, because we found this Aston Hostel and we saved loads of money, because it's really cheap! And I must say, there were several times, when we were too tired to go out for a party, so we stayed in our room and have a party of our own! :) Best time ever - Poland rocks!
I envy too. :) And, I wonder if you have been in istanbul. Because I couldnt see it in your list and wonder your impression on it.
I envy too. :) And, I wonder if you have been in istanbul. Because I couldnt see it in your list and wonder your impression on it.

If the world were ever in need of an enema .......
I envy too. :) And, I wonder if you have been in istanbul. Because I couldnt see it in your list and wonder your impression on it.

Yes, I have been to Istanbul. I have now added it to the list. I hesitated between 1A, 1B and 2A. I saw almost everything in my guidebook in about 5 days, so I opted for 1B.
Ah hem.....where might I ask is Dundee? :annoyed:

ps. No seriously, no one should ever go anywhere near Dundee, the general rule is if you are traveling away from it you are going in the right direction.
Ah hem.....where might I ask is Dundee? :annoyed:

ps. No seriously, no one should ever go anywhere near Dundee, the general rule is if you are traveling away from it you are going in the right direction.

Bloody good university though.

I recently spent a weekend in Ljubljana and I thought that it was perfect for a break of that length, a pocket sized Baroque-style city, lots of lively streets, pedestrian friendly, good food and good value.
I recently spent a weekend in Ljubljana and I thought that it was perfect for a break of that length, a pocket sized Baroque-style city, lots of lively streets, pedestrian friendly, good food and good value.

Zagreb is about the same, just bigger.I would divide Central European capitals by their representativeness, attractiveness and size in this way:

Note this is just a categorization, in the 1)category would probably fit Prague and Budapest as well.

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