mtdna Haplogroup U1 /General/

Paternal mt haplogroup

My fathers mt haplogroup is also U1a1a. We are from Northerst part of Greece. Are there any new data for this rare haplogroup? On Yfull TMRCA is many years ago.
Greek here. Born in USA and live here but parents and grandparents from Macedonian region, U1A1.
I'm Albanian too with the same maternal Haplogroup
From Wikipedia I read it appears in ancient samples in the Nile region and southern India.

This leads me to think the epicenter of this haplogroup is in the Arabian Peninsula, which makes sense since a lot of U subclades seem to be from specific regions.
5 from Europe, 6 from N. Africa, 7 from Iran/Pakistan, 2 from Urals/Central Asia(then to India), 3 from West Asia, 9 from Yemen/Ethiopia/Pakistan...

There's only 1 region left and it's among all of those, the Arabian Peninsula.

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